Lesson 3 - beginners exercise

Read the code in each section and do the following -

  1. Add comments to explain the code
  2. Suggest test data to test the code
  3. Make the suggested changes.

The answers will only say what the code does and how to make the suggested change.

def greatestValue(listOfItems):
	z = listOfItems[0]
	for i in listOfItems:
		z = max(z, i)
	return z

def max(a, b):
	if a>b: return a
	else: return b

print greatestValue([7,2,1,99,3])	

Suggested change Change the above code so it will find the smallest value in the list.

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def sum(listOfNumbers):
	total = 0
	for i in listOfNumbers:
		total = total +_ i
	return total

print sum([54,21,97,100])

Suggested changes Create a new function called average which uses sum to work out the average of a list of numbers.

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peopleILike = ["bob", "fred", "sue", "sally"]

def doILike(name):
	like = false
	for i in peopleILike:
		if i == name: like = true
	return like

print "do i like fred? ", doILike("fred")
print "do i like Martin? ", doILike("martin")

Suggested changes - Add a list of people you really hate!! If that name is passed to "doILike" it should print "I really hate xx"

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